Build Your Twitter Following 101

1 min readMar 19, 2021


A quick-fire approach to growing a Twitter Account from scratch.

twitter growth 101 guide to twitter starting on twitter

Growing a Twitter account is fundamentally about two things;

  • Good content
  • Consistency

If you can deliver on these then you should grow. But while true, these terms are vague. So let's be more specific:

  1. Pick a topic to talk about or combine two topics. Make the topic clear in your Twitter bio.
  2. Post 3 Tweets a Day on these Topics. Early on, try out different things.
  3. Reply 10x a day to other people discussing your topic.
  4. Each week review which Tweets got the most engagement.
  5. Write more on the things that did well & less about the things that didn’t.

There are a few good Twitter analytics tools to use when starting out, to help you understand what content is working the best. Here are some of the more simple ones to try:

  1. Topic Thunder — topic/tag-based analytics & tools
  2. Ilo — simple analytics.

